Website Development | Advertising | Investor Relations & Sales Presentations | Social Media | Design
The Challenge
Attracting the right audience
As pressure built for SAFETY manager to both increase its user base and grow profitability over time, the organization needed to prove itself as the best solution in the market. In order to attract new prospects, a combination of strong communications and branding as well as clearly focused features are required.

The Challenge
Attracting the right audience
As pressure built for SAFETYmanager to both increase its user base and grow profitability over time, the organization needed to prove itself as the best solution in the market. In order to attract new prospects, a combination of strong communications and branding as well as clearly focused features are required.

Our Solution
Develop and grow
There were two main focuses of the campaign. Create interest in the product and solicit potential investors for development funds while simultaneously generating new leads interested in the services that Workaware provides. With a fresh new brand there was heavy emphasis on creating brand awareness to the correct target markets through online platforms.
- Rebrand Strategy & Design
- Website Design & Development
- Social Media Strategy
- Investor Relations Presentations
- Client Sales Presentations

Does this sound like something your business needs? Connect with our team and let’s get to work!